met een
levenslang korting op Acco-uitgaven, kantoormateriaal en een selectie titels.
Based around the core curriculum for specialist trainees, Oxford Case Histories in TIA and Stroke features 51 well-structured, peer-reviewed cases from the Oxford Hospitals giving detailed coverage of the specialty, including diagnostic and management dilemmas. Each case comprises a brief clinical history and the relevant examination findings; details of investigations undertaken, followed by questions on differential diagnosis and management; and detailed answers and discussion. The question-and-answer format is designed to enhance the reader's diagnostic ability and clinical understanding. As part of the Oxford Case Histories series, this book is aimed at post-membership trainees and consultants and will be a useful resource for those preparing for exit examinations or revalidation. It will also be of interest to those who wish to improve their skills in diagnosis and management of a broad range of stroke disorders. * Features 51 case studies, providing comprehensive coverage of common and less common stroke disorders * Based around the specialist trainee curriculum and designed for those preparing for exit exams * The question-and-answer format is designed to enhance the reader's diagnostic ability and clinical understanding Sarah T. Pendlebury , Consultant Physician, Biomedical Research Centre, Stroke Prevention Research Unit, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK, Ursula G. Schulz , NIHR Clinician Scientist and Honorary Consultant Neurologist, Stroke Prevention Research Unit, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK, Aneil Malhotra , Cardiology Specialist Registrar, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford Deanery, UK, and Peter M. Rothwell , Director, Stroke Prevention Research Unit, Professor and Honorary Consultant Neurologist, University Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford, UK CONTENTS 1: Tumour mimic 2: Stroke mimicking tumour 3: Lateral medullary syndrome 4: AF mitral valve 5: Homocystinuria 6: CAA 7: Migraine 8: Post-stroke dementia 9: Bickerstaff's enceph mimic 10: Bilat symptoms endarterect 11: VZV vasculopathy 12: TIA non-organic 13: Demyelination 14: Cerebellar stroke 15: GCA 16: Anatomical variants 17: CVT/Ear infection 18: TGA 19: Carotid disease 20: Conversion disorder 21: Asymp aneurysm 22: Occult AF 23: Partial seizure 24: Traumatic dissection and MCA hemicraniectomy 25: SLE 26: Periph nerve 27: Dysrthria 28: CADASIL 29: Diplopia 30: Recurrent haem tumour 31: Intracranial atheroma 32: Severe stenosis and multiple infarction 33: CJD mimic 34: RCVS 35: Amaurosis 36: FMD 37: Cardiac tumour case 38: Limb shaking 39: Abscess 40: Moya Moya 41: Gabs case 42: Todd's paresis 43: Delirium 44: Cavernoma 45: Capsular warning syndrome 46: Subdural haematoma 47: Infective endocarditis 48: Patent foramen ovale 49: Binswangers 50: IVBCL 51a-g: Thrombolysis
Oxford University Press
9 februari 2012
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