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Master the skills needed to perform basic radiography procedures! Written exclusively for limited radiography students, Radiography Essentials for Limited Scope, 7th Edition provides a fundamental knowledge of imaging principles, positioning, and procedures. Content reflects the most current practice and follows the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) curriculum so you will be thoroughly prepared for the ARRT Limited Scope Exam. From radiologic imaging experts Eugene D. Frank and Ruth Ann Ehrlich, this book provides a streamlined guide to x-ray science, radiographic anatomy, technical exposure factors, radiation protection, and positioning, along with step-by-step instructions for each projection.NEW! Revised chapters are closely aligned with content areas on the ARRT Limited Scope Exam, and include updated information on podiatry positioning and bone densitometry plus an expanded section on chiropractic projections.Concise coverage prepares you for the ARRT Limited Scope Exam and clinical practice with the latest on x-ray science and techniques, radiation safety, radiographic anatomy, pathology, patient care, ancillary clinical skills, and positioning of the upper and lower extremities, spine, chest, and head.Step-by-step instructions provide guidance on how to position patients for radiographic procedures performed by limited operators.More than 900 illustrations show concepts, techniques, and x-ray equipment.Easy-to-understand math and radiologic physics concepts include special boxes to reinforce important points.Learning objectives and key terms highlight important information in each chapter and can be used as review tools.Expanded digital imaging concepts reflect today's practice and meet the requirements of the ARRT Limited Scope Content Specifications.Updated terminology for limited radiography ensures that you understand exam requirements and the role of the limited practitioner.
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