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Prepare to correctly answer any and all questions on your registry exams! Sonography Exam Review: Physics, Abdomen, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4th Edition provides the exact review materials you need to pass the three main sonography exams - physics, abdomen, and OB/GYN. Each chapter is arranged in table and outline format with 50 review questions at the end of the chapter and a mock exam at the end of each section. Updated information in this edition covers thyroids and TIRADS Nodule Classification, penile pathology, the latest changes to the ARDMS content outline, and much more!UPDATED! Coverage reflects the latest changes to the ARDMS content outline.UPDATED! Neck and Salivary Glands chapter provides information related to thyroids and TIRADS Nodule Classification.UPDATED! Expanded section on the male pelvis now includes penile pathology.Complete coverage helps you prepare for the three main ARDMS exams - physics, abdomen, and obstetrics and gynecology.Content review in outline and tabular format offers a quick, concise review of key terms, anatomy, functions, scanning technique, lab values, and pathology for each Registry subject.More than 1,900 questions in Registry format - 1,910 in the text and 700 on the Evolve companion website -thoroughly prepare students for the Registry exams using multiple learning methods.Rationales for answers to mock exam questions help you understand why an answer is correct and incorrect and leads to better comprehension.Over 350 ultrasound images in the abdominal and OB/GYN sections strengthen your ability to answer imaging Registry questions on normal anatomy and pathology.Color inserts of Doppler images in all sections prepare you to answer questions about Doppler imaging.Timed mock exams and two entertaining, interactive games on the Evolve companion website provide a realistic preview of the actual exam environment, while the games offer an engaging review of the same material.
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