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This handy guide puts frequently requested radiographic projections at your fingertips! Merrill's Pocket Guide to Radiography, 16th Edition summarizes essential information for more than 150 radiography projections in a spiral-bound format designed for quick reference in the clinical environment. Clear instructions explain how to position patients and body parts, and an optimal radiograph is included for each projection. A portable, easy-to-carry companion to the three-volume Merrill's Atlas, this book provides guidelines for everything from perfect positioning to perfect exposures.NEW! Appendix for working with obese patients provides guidance on modified positioning and imaging techniques.NEW! Updated images enhance coverage of the chest, abdomen, pelvis and hip, bony thorax, upper extremity, and lower extremity.NEW! Updated exposure technique charts offer current information for obtaining high-quality images.Bulleted, step-by-step instructions show how to position the patient and body part for frequently requested radiography projections.Exposure technique chart for every projection helps reduce the need for repeat radiographs and improves overall image quality.Abbreviations and external landmarks are listed inside the front and back covers for quick reference.Diagnostic-quality radiograph for each projection demonstrates the result the radiographer is trying to achieve.More than 150 projections are each presented in a two-page spread, and include information on patient position, part position, respiration, central ray angulation, collimation, KVp values, and a photograph of a properly positioned patient.Section dividers with tabs make it easier to find the beginning of each section.
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